Digital Systems and Design Automation

DYNAMO (Digital sYstems and desigN AutoMatiOn) is a research group at ETH Zurich in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. DYNAMO is led by Prof. Dr. Lana Josipoviฤ‡.

DYNAMO aims to bridge the gap between software and hardware by exploring synergies across compilers, programming languages, digital hardware design, and computer architecture. Our goal is to advance the usability of digital hardware platforms and to enable various programmers to accelerate emerging applications.


September 2024. DynaRapid received a Best Paper Award at FPL’24!

July 2024. Emmet’s work on HLS source code evaluation using GNNs has been accepted at ICCAD’24. Congrats to Emmet on his first paper! ๐Ÿ™‚

May 2024. Jiantaoโ€™s work on switching activity estimation has been accepted at FPL’24. Congrats, Jiantao! ๐Ÿ™‚

May 2024. Two papers accepted at IWLS’24. Congrats to Jiahui and Carmine!

March 2024. We gave a tutorial on our new MLIR-based Dynamatic HLS compiler at FPGA’24.

January 2024. Lana gave a talk at the HiPEAC’24 Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (website, video).

December 2023. Jiahui’s paper on formal verification of HLS circuits has been accepted as a full paper at FPGA’24! ๐Ÿ™‚

November 2023. Our paper MapBuf: Simultaneous Technology Mapping and Buffer Insertion for HLS Performance Optimization received a Best Paper Nomination at ICCAD’23. Congrats to Hanyu and Carmine!

October 2023. Jiantao Liu joins DYNAMO as a doctoral student. Welcome, Jiantao!

September 2023. Emmet Murphy joins DYNAMO as a doctoral student. Welcome, Emmet!

July 2023. Two papers accepted at ICCAD’23. Congrats to Hanyu, Jiahui, and Carmine!

July 2023. Lana gave a talk at the Open Neuromorphic event (website, video).

May 2023. Two papers accepted at IWLS’23. Congrats to Hanyu, Jiahui, and Carmine!

April 2023. We received a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Project Grant. Thanks to SNSF for supporting our research!

February 2023. Carmine’s paper on regulating the frequency of HLS-produced circuits has been accepted as a full paper at DAC’23! ๐Ÿ™‚

January 2023. We received an ETH Future Computing Laboratory (EFCL) Research Grant. Thanks to EFCL for supporting our research!

November 2022. Jiahui’s work on model checking of HLS circuits has been accepted as a full paper at FPGA’23. Congrats to Jiahui on his first paper! ๐Ÿ™‚

November 2022. Lana gave a talk at the SAFARI Live Seminar (website, video).

October 2022. Jiantao’s master thesis work has been accepted as a full paper at FPT’22. Congrats to Jiantao and Carmine! ๐Ÿ™‚

August 2022. Two Best Paper Nominations at FPL 2022!

July 2022. Lana gave a keynote talk at IWLS 2022.

June 2022. Three papers accepted at FPL 2022. Congrats to Carmine Rizzi on his first paper! ๐Ÿ™‚

May 2022. We co-organized FLASHLIGHT, the 1st Workshop on Formal Methods in HLS, at FCCM 2022.

May 2022. Our paper Resource Sharing in Dataflow Circuits received a Best Paper Nomination at FCCM’22.

April 2022. Jiahui Xu joins DYNAMO as a doctoral student. Welcome, Jiahui!

March 2022. Lana received the EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award and the EPFL Doctorate Award.

March 2022. Our paper Resource Sharing in Dataflow Circuits has been accepted at FCCM 2022.

January 2022. Carmine Rizzi joins DYNAMO as a doctoral student. Welcome, Carmine!